Culinary festivals

Sofia Restaurant Week

Sofia Restaurant Week
  depending on own preferences    different restaurants
District:    depending on the location of the restaurant
Location:    depending on the location of the restaurant
Objects nearby:    depending on the location of the restaurant
Public / Private site:    For more information, plese visit the site
Pin  Sofia Restaurant Week

The week of Sofia restaurants, known as Sofia Restaurant Week, takes place twice a year - in the months of May and September in Sofia. Within 9 days, more than 30 Sofia restaurants, skillfully selected by the organizers and meeting high requirements for taste qualities, interesting author's cuisine and culinary, offer wonderful special menus, usually dedicated to a given food theme. Restaurants taking part in Sofia Restaurant Week offer tempting three-course menus for a fixed price, drinks not included.

The culinary event has existed for more than 6 years and has been visited so far by more than 20,000 people.