Culinary festivals

Bacchus FISH Fest

Bacchus FISH Fest
  depending on own preferences    the Military Academy’s Park
District:    Center
Location:    (42.690486, 23.346897)
Objects nearby:    the Military Academy and its park
Public / Private site:    For more information, visit the website
Pin  Bacchus FISH Fest

Bacchus Fish Fest is the first fish festival in Sofia, focused on fish and fish delicatessen, various fish dishes and beverages that are the perfect match to them. This year for the 5-th time the capital will become “maritime” and host Bacchus Fish Fest.

This festival takes the visitors to the marine breadth and makes them feel in their own element. The participants in the event are the multitude of restaurants offering mainly signature fish dishes, but also some new generation green alternatives prepared on the spot, like gyoza, oysters, calamari burgers, vegan scallops “Saint Jacques”, etc.

At the festival, one has access to alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages – boutique wines from local and world renown cellars, Bulgarian and Bavarian craft breweries, anise drinks, Chinese brandy, fresh lemonades and delicious desserts for those with a sweet tooth.

One particularity is the fact that the event is cashless – all payments are only processed through debit / credit cards and digital wallets via smartphone.

If you love seafood or just wish to remember the sea, you can take part in the festival on the 1 and 2 of October in the Military Academy’s Park (entrance from 42, “Khan Omurtag” str.). Talented performers will take care of the good ambiance at the festival.