Curious travelers

Traveler's Club

Traveler\'s Club
  30 min.    19 Serdika Street
Neighborhood:    Center
Location / GPS:    (42.701503640324184, 23.323971454157363)
Objects nearby:    "Mineral springs"
Public object / Private object:    For more information, visit the site
Pin  Traveler's Club

Traveler's Club is a meeting place for dreamers and travelers, a space for sharing and inspiration. It is located at 19 Serdika Street and is a gathering center for generating creative ideas that deserve to be shared and implemented.

The main goal of the club is to promote and support travel in its various forms and manifestations, as well as to facilitate access to diverse, interesting and extensive information about the world. Listening to a fascinating story, visitors can enjoy Masala tea, wine, beer or natural Bulgarian syrups "Sinevka".

Every current or future traveler is welcome in the club, where they can get acquainted with presentations of travelers returning from the "big world", to be included in the sections for planning a specific destination and in the sections on mountain and travel topics. (selection and maintenance of equipment, meteorology, orienteering, avalanche safety, pre-medical care). Interesting are the organized musical evenings with a guest DJ and specially prepared thematic playlists, as well as the sections related to the presentation of new books, maps, guides on similar topics. You can take part in initiatives related to the sharing of professional and non-professional photographs, closely related to travel and nature; screenings of adventure films; sponsored events.

The club offers the opportunity to participate in various educational courses. The club library includes editions of Bulgarian and foreign authors related to various topics from the world of a traveler, as well as physical maps of Bulgaria and the world.

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