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Kuyumdzhiyski's house

Kuyumdzhiyski\'s house
  15 min.    Oborishte Street 27
Neighborhood:    Center
Location / GPS:    (42.69518638715206, 23.34081541368408)
Objects nearby:    The doctor's garden
Public object / Private object:    External
Pin  Kuyumdzhiyski's house

"Kuyumdzhiyski House" is located at 27 Oborishte Street and was built in 1929. for the rich Bulgarian banker Angelo Kuyumdjiiski designed by the architects Todor Zlatev and Dimitar Koev. The building is a magnificent palace with many decorations and a combination of styles, defined by some as "Viennese Baroque Art Nouveau style".

The first owner of the building was Angelo Kuyumdjiiski, who was born in Samokov. As a child, he hinted at his entrepreneurial spirit by selling roasted pumpkin seeds on the streets of his hometown. He gradually multiplied his capital and became one of the richest Bulgarians before the Second World War.

After graduating in law from the Sorbonne in Paris, Kuyumdzhiyski became a shareholder in various companies, a tobacco trader and a banker. Its connection with France remains strong and it is no coincidence that its bank is known as the Franco-Belgian Bank of Bulgaria, and its representative building is preserved at 17 Lege Street.

From the street you can see the symmetrical facade with a solid cornice and attic with metal cladding. The main entrance is from the east and radiates classicism because of the paired columns on both sides of the central gate. The entrance hall leads to a spiral staircase connecting the first and second floors. The wooden floors and wood paneling contrast with the plaster ornaments on the ceiling, and the interior is complemented by a marble fireplace.

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